Monday Muse - Lina

Monday Muse - Lina

Q & A

Another Monday, another woman we would like to introduce to you. Model, blogger, Influencer and now also mother of a cute little boy.
Here is to you our little interview with Lina, better known as @linalouisaa.

Q: Hey Lina, tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: Ok, where to start ;-) I started modeling when I was 14 and quickly enjoyed being in the business. Not only being in front- also occasionally behind the camera. I’ve started sharing highlights of the day with my friends and family and gained more and more followers over time and now I can make a living from my job as a blogger. Together with my husband and our little boy Ian we are living in a house in a small German village.



Q: Who or what has inspired you to jump into the social media business? 

A: The model business taught me to be very precise in my daily schedule and to make a clear cut between work and school. Being in the blogosphere already that time, I was gaining viewers/followers quickly and got more and more interest in creating content. Actually it was never my intention to do that for business, but I am very honoured to be able to now.



Q: Is there something which motivates you and when are you the most motivated?

A: To be creative in my very own way is the most motivating part, especially when I got asked to do big campaigns. The freedom to create the story however I want is the most exciting part of the job. The compliments and recognition from clients and the followers are a big motivation and confirmation that this is the right job for me.



“I would describe myself as very ambitious, goal oriented and loyal. If I have a goal, I pursue it and accept a few milestones to achieve it.”



Q: From where do you get your inspiration from?

A: I mostly know exactly what I want and have the idea in my head. Of course there are times when I am missing that little something to round up the idea, if that is the case, I’ll go over to Instagram and Pinterest and get some inspiration. Nevertheless it is very important to stick to your own identity and only get inspired by others. To copy anyone else’s idea has never been interesting to be nor my intention.



Q: You and your husband have a very personal podcast called „Auf Umwegen zum Kinderwunsch“ (eng.: On detours to the desire to have children) where you are talking about a very controversy and fragile topic “Kinderwunsch” (eng.: the desire to have children), why did you decide to go public with this private topic? 

A: We ourselves have been struggling with getting pregnant and were waiting for over 6 month to even get an appointment in the Fertility clinic. At that point I was aware that there are many women involved. There are many men and women who are ashamed of not being able to create a child in the natural way. Therefore I had to speak openly about it as it was effecting me as well and received many beautiful, heart spoken messages from other women. There are great campaigns out now, on Instagram for example the “1 of 7”, meaning that every 7th couple is unintentionally without a child.



Q: You just became a mother of a little boy a few month ago (congratulations ;-)), besides the pure joy you might feel, are there also moments when you catch yourself in thoughts and you need to take a moment to not get too overwhelmed? 

A: Absolutely. I think every mother can relate to it. It is sometimes hard for me to combine my job and motherhood. As being constantly present in the social media platforms, I cannot simply take a break and be ‘only’ a mom. That is definitely something I wish I could be, a mom with a head without any to do’s. But I guess every mother would like this here and there. The sleepless nights are also definitely something which is getting to my nerves sometimes and because of my job, I cannot simply leave everything left undone. I am with the baby alone all day and can really sit still and get into the office for work only as soon as my husband comes back from work at around 10.00pm. Lack of sleep - Ahoy!



Q: How do you connect your new motherhood with your job of being a blogger and model? Do you have a good tip you’d like to share which does make your daily life a little easier?

A: To be honest, it is often a real challenge - including for me, who is been doing the job for a long time. I have fixed appointments that I have to keep. My baby dictates the day now and decides how much I can or cannot work. On the days where my son wants to be carried all day, to be close to me, I hardly get anywhere. Of course, you can quickly get stressed here. Here is it always important to make the customers sensitive to the situation and be honest if appointments have to be postponed at short notice, although I always try to avoid this of course. Baby always comes first ;-)



Q: Is there something you are focussing on by raising your son, something you really want to teach him along his way?

A: It is very important to me that my son can discover the world and doesn’t feel too restricted by me and my husband. I often just observe and intervene, when I consider a situation to be dangerous. Otherwise, I really want to give him the freedom, openly but cautiously, to go through the world with open eyes. Unfortunately, I’ve often had to experience that others don’t grant you luck and therefore I am very grateful that I have always done what I enjoy - regardless the comments of others. 




Q: The first Autumn with your little boy, how do you prepare yourself for the colder days to come?

A: I have already bought a lot of warm clothes. Especially bodysuits made of wool are an absolute must have for me. I have already gotten a pair of warm shoes, gloves, a hat and an overall in milled wool and hope I didn’t forget anything to keep him warm for the colder days. 



Q: What are your favorite autumn activities with and without baby?

A: Definitiv going for a walk through the fields without a baby. I love walking through the falling leaves in my boots, covered in a warm coat and just enjoy the colors. Just with good music in my ears surrounded by nature. With my baby, I would go for a nice time in an indoor pool. I love going to the pool with Ian when it is cold outside. Unfortunately we have to wait until November though as they don’t open until then here in Germany. Until then, we’ll take our baths at home. That is something we love to do together as he loves water!



Q: What is your personal feel-good moment in autumn?

A: sitting in front of the stove snuggled up in a blanked with a hot cup of tea.


 Thank you, Lina for sharing.


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