A postcode from the north | minimalisma ♡ Nicolette Attree

A postcode from the north | minimalisma ♡ Nicolette Attree


From the warm but beautiful open landscape of South Africa to the green fells in Norway, Nicolette has seen the world not only through the lens. Her passion is photography and she can't spend a day without capturing all the small but precious moments. Her camera accompanies her on her journey through life and is always within reach. But her greatest passion in life are her children. On her Instagram account @niciattree, she describes the joys of life and how she balances being a mother and a photographer. 


 Nicolette likes to dress her children in beautiful earth tones and loves that minimalisma is a mum-owned business as she can relate all too well. In this beautiful photo series, we teamed up with Nicolette to showcase our timeless basics through her lens. She captures the fantastic light in the Norwegian landscape that so beautifully reflects our subtle Scandinavian colours. 
We hope you are as pleased with this collaboration as we are. 



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