In February 2015, I received an e-mail from Birgit from Over the Ocean. She had come across minimalisma in her search for suitable brands for her concept-store for European design that was yet to be launched.
We have asked her to tell us how it all started:
Why you choose to name the business Over the Ocean and who is behind the concept?
I chose this name because the collections I offer and the people I introduce on my site all come from ‚over the ocean’ – from Europe. When we moved from Munich to San Francisco some years ago I had the idea to share with the families here, what I love from my old home – children clothes and other well made items from Europe that are part of our family life as well as inspiring ideas, places and people in my muse portraits and blog. I like how simple the name explains the concept of my store and also, isn’t there always a desire to know how life is on the other side of the ocean?!
Who is behind the shop? Me, my family and friends. So far Over The Ocean is a one-woman-business but gets a lot of support from my husband Raul, my daughter Milla and I also have some creative friends who help me with advice as well as hands-on support for photo shootings or pop-up stores.
You are a mother. How can you balance family and have a successful career?
The good thing is that I work from a studio in my home and that I can work flexible hours. I can pick up my daughter from school and spend valuable time with. I try to do things with her that give me new energy, for example we go horseback riding on a ranch in the countryside every Monday and we love to go for walks with our dog. But this also means that I work a lot during the night. During the past two years I definitely did not get enough sleep and cut mostly on doing things for myself. To change this I decided to not grow bigger and especially not broader but to concentrate in the future on fewer brands, on the gems that truly reflect the values of Over The Ocean.
You run a very successful shop. What makes Over the Ocean so well trusted and special?
I think my customers feel that it is me behind Over The Ocean, not a company but a mother who curates the items she loves to have for her family too. The items I choose are made with care and skill and are meant to stand the test of time and play.
How did you find out about minimalisma?
Several years ago I was looking for a baby gift for a good friend of mine who was expecting her second child – she is also a designer and values the quality of natural fabrics. I wanted something special but not fancy, something that is absolutely comfortable for her little one to wear often. My friend loved the set I bought her from minimalisma and when she told me some time later, that she kept these well-worn pieces and is looking forward to having her third child wearing them, I knew minimalisma is right for Over The Ocean.
Your life is full of things to do. What is your favourite moment when you are at home?
To have a good meal with my family! I love dinnertime when we sit together at our dining table, chatting about the day and enjoying good food.