Autumn activities | Forest Bathing ♡

Autumn activities | Forest Bathing ♡

Have you heard of Forest Bathing? The term originates from Japan and is believed to reduce stress hormone production, improve the feelings of happiness and free up creativity. So what's not to like about it! 

At minimalisma, we also use this ecotherapy to find inspiration for each new collection. 

As we have entered October and the colours are changing in the forest, we encourage you to give it a try. Wear your favourite minimalisma outfit and find a few tips on how to get started below:

- Go to a green area near you.
- Leave your mobile at home. 
- Walk or sit without interruption for 10-15 min.
- Pay attention to all the sensory impressions in the nature that surrounds you.
You are now all set for a beautiful walk. 

Enjoy ♡
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